CraneKit for Monorail Systems and Jib-Cranes
CraneKit for Monorail Systems and Jib-Cranes

CraneKit for Monorail Systems and Jib-Cranes

CraneKit for Monorail Systems and Jib-Cranes
CraneKit for Monorail Systems and Jib-Cranes
With its CraneKit for Monorail Systems and Jib-Cranes, STAHL CraneSystems offers crane builders worldwide the possibility to complete orders effectively and economically with little planning outlay. Thanks to simple configuration of the crane system in our in-house sales program SalesManager, users can easily select and coordinate the various components with each other. With the help of a detailed visualisation, you can immediately see what your system will look like. You obtain exact details regarding the technology and prices.